Whiten teeth up to 7 shades in 1 hour with 'Philips ZOOM!' teeth whitening treatment. This process is popular with over 4 million patients worldwide as the solution is safe, offers noticeable results and is quick and easy. The gel formula conforms to safety regulations which contains 6% hydrogen peroxide and offers protection from sensitivity so you know you are in safe hands.
We will start by having a consultation with you to discuss the procedure and to make sure of the best treatment for you. Then, you can book in for a 1 hour whitening session within the practice and you will be given a home-kit to carry on your whitening treatment at home.
A home-kit only option is available once we have had a consultation with you to make sure you are aware of the procedure or if you have already had a session with us and bought the home kit from us before.
Please click on this link for more information: https://philipszoom.com/
We also provide POLADAY teeth whitening gels as a teeth whitening home kit pack. It comes as 10 premixed gels with a tray. (You can then buy additional gels when needed) Please note policy states you must see our Dentist, Hygienist or be a regular patient with us to be able to purchase gels.