We hope you and your loved ones are well and stay safe over this Christmas period 🌟
We just wanted to notify you that we will be closed from the 23rd December and we will re-open on the 4th January. When we re-open we will still be following the guidance of the most recent restrictions and policies in place. We will be adding a Covid-19 test to our screening process to help eliminate the possibility of the virus entering our practice environment. This will further ensure the safety of all our patients and team.
We would also like to thank you all for your support and co-operation throughout this year with all the different adaptations and precautions we’ve had to put in place. This year has been a very challenging time for everyone and even though we may not be able to celebrate Christmas in the way we hoped to this year, we do hope that you all have a lovely, rested and merry time! We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year for your routine appointments. Make sure to keep up with you dental maintenance routines at home to protect your teeth and gums over this celebratory season!
All the best, Happy Christmas and have a lovely New Years! 🎄🎉
From all of the team at Aromaden Dental Practice

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