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A dental crown can restore a broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down. It can also hold parts of a cracked tooth which can extend the life of the tooth for many years. A dental crown is basically a porcelain tooth-shaped 'cap' that is placed over the tooth to restore it's shape, size, strength and to improve it's appearance. If the tooth is left without treatment, this can cause an uncomfortable toothache and risk of further damage to the tooth.

At Aromaden we are able to offer same day porcelain crown using CEREC. CEREC is a computer aided manufacturing device which allows dentists to construct, produce and insert individual ceramic reconstructions.

There are no impressions and no temporaries to worry about. After a one 2 hour appointment, you
will leave with a beautiful restoration. The appointment takes approximately 40 minutes preparing
the tooth, then a scan is taken and
transferred to CEREC. You can sit and relax in our lounge area whilst we prepare your restoration. There is a 30 minute fit appointment straight after where it is placed and adjusted as required, ensuring a perfect fit. Note that the  times are for single restoration, multiple may require more appointments on other days.

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